Group working and discussion

Think back to some of the past brainstorming meetings you were part of. Team members are sitting around a table – or on screen – writing on a white board as you try to improve on current processes or come up with new ways to accomplish your work. It seems almost inevitable that someone will…

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Employees at office

Reading the news these days, it seems like you can’t get away from the headlines about artificial intelligence and the rise of robots in our office spaces. And, yet, when I think about 2020 and what companies are really focusing on, I believe it will be the year of the employee. In the United States,…

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The role of Learning and Development professionals continues to expand. According to LinkedIn’s 2019 Workplace Learning Report, employees are growing more interested in training and increased budgets and executive support are paving the way for talent developers to play an even more strategic role in the business. Even with growing budgets, the responsibility of developing…

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Two Womens Talking

Did you know that there are more than five billion Google search results for the phrase “how to say no”? Clearly, it’s a question that’s on a lot of people’s minds. Most of us have an innate desire to help others, which can make it difficult to say no when we’re met with a request.…

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While psychological safety may sound to some like a new, emotional term, it’s an essential element of team success. The concept of psychological safety in the workplace was identified two decades ago by Amy Edmondson, a Harvard Business School professor, who defined it as: The belief that one will not be punished or embarrassed for…

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Girl doing Yoga

When I hear the term ‘workplace wellness,’ the first things that come to mind are gyms in office buildings, step competitions between teams and healthy snacks in the break room. In theory, they sound great! Many companies have jumped on board and supported this trend by implementing health-focused initiatives in hopes of positively impacting employee…

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Think back to the last time you were evaluating a training program or a broader learning and development solution to support your managers, teams or employees. What were your top decision-making criteria? According to a Trust Radius study, before investing in a product or service, buyers tend to prioritize these three things: Measurable results Adaptability…

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Have you ever had that experience where your team is partnering with another one – in the same company – and still, you were amazed at how differently you all operate? This situation often comes to life in the very first meeting. One group may walk in five minutes late; the other was already assembled…

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Have you observed employees or team members who seem to lack more energy than they did before, lose concentration more quickly or become a bit irritable with coworkers? According to the Mayo Clinic, these signs may be indications of job burnout. A state of physical, emotional or mental exhaustion can significantly impact employee and organizational…

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