Man with a folder standing in front of a small group

What are your top training priorities? If you’re like the Learning & Development professionals surveyed in this year’s LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report, leadership skills probably rank high on your list. In fact, leadership and management was reported as the #2 area of focus for training in 2021, following only upskilling and reskilling. As you consider…

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employee working from home

It was hard to miss all the headlines this month highlighting “one year” since the start of the pandemic. For many of my colleagues around the world, it’s been going on even longer! Still, the driving idea behind the year-mark has global applications. Last March, most businesses anticipated that the shift to remote work would…

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Cartoon of two colleagues sharing ideas

When you think about the last month at work, how many times would you say that you experienced an intent-impact gap? As a refresher, an intent-impact gap occurs when a person intends for a message to land in one way and their audience takes away a different interpretation. It can come to life in a…

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Person working at home office

Meetings can serve many purposes from brainstorming and problem solving to project management and collaboration. They can also provide an opportunity for you and your staff to strengthen your working relationships and improve your team dynamics. You don’t have to be in person to engage in team building. By including small activities in your regular…

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Man working on laptop at home

Imagine you’re working from home for the day. You sit down in your chair, open your laptop and read through your emails before getting started on your to-do list. Suddenly, it’s lunchtime and hours have passed without you connecting with another human being. Now, imagine that day gets repeated again and again. For many people,…

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person writing at desk

If you have read just about any list of the most in-demand skills for leaders and employees today, it will be difficult to miss the need for adaptability. If you’d like proof, I present exhibits A, B and C, which are just a few of the resources available! I can’t imagine anyone would be surprised…

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Person leading a learning session from tablet

Your employees need to keep learning to stay engaged and be successful in these challenging and changing times. Since the onset of COVID-19, teams have had to regularly adapt their work, refocus their energies and develop different skills to support their company’s new direction. On the one hand, the prospect of learning is exciting. In…

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four women sitting around a table talking

Depending on your Emergenetics preferences and values, you may have a different definition of success than your colleagues. The nuances between your perspectives and those of your team members or staff can have a significant impact on motivation and goal achievement. Intuitively, it makes sense that when we are working toward objectives that support our…

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